Ásgeir joined the Iceland Dance Company in the fall of 2010 and participated in several productions from 2010 – 2013 and 2014 – 2017. He rejoined IDC in the spring of 2021 to dance in the revival of Black Marrow and Dagdraumar, a dance performance for children. He has also danced in numerous other productions, for Shalala, Sigríður Soffía, Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir/Milkywhale, Anton Lachky Company and Peeping Tom, to name a few. As a choreographer he seeks out collaborations with other artists. With Inga Maren Rúnarsdóttir, Júlíanna Lára Steingrímsdóttir og Lydía Grétarsdóttir he created Okkar á Milli and Retrograde. Journey and Ótta in collaborations with dancers from the IDC and Memoirs of a Valkyrie with Cameron Corbett.
Listabraut 3
103 Reykjavík
Kt. 420269-6849
Miðasala: 568 8000
Skrifstofa: 568 5500
Fyrirspurnir: borgarleikhus@borgarleikhus.is
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