Welcome to the Reykjavik City Theatre

The Box Office is open week­days 10–17 and 12-20 on showdays

Stóra svið­ið / The Main Stage

  • The auditorium has approximately 546 seats
  • Incorporates auxiliary back and wing stages
  • Modern sound and lighting systems
  • The fly equipment is motorised, with a compact mobile network-based control system where several operators can simultaneously monitor all the movements
  • A revolving stage and an orchestra pit for fifty musicians

Nýja svið­ið / The New Stage

  • The auditorium has approximately 250 seats
  • A black box offering never-ending possibilities
  • Modern sound and lighting systems

Litla svið­ið / The Small Stage

  • The auditorium has approximately 200 seats
  • A theatre-in-the-round with a versatile stage and balconies
  • Modern sound and lighting systems

Performances have been staged in various other locations in the building, such as the theatre´s foyer and green room. The company has also offered staged tours of the entire complex.

How do I get to Reykjavík City Theatre?


Listabraut 3

103 Reykjavík

Kt. 420269-6849

Miðasala: 568 8000

Skrifstofa: 568 5500

Fyrirspurnir: borgarleikhus@borgarleikhus.is

Miðasalan er opin 12-17 alla virka daga og 12-20 á sýningardögum. 568 8000
jafnlaunavottun 2023-2026

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