The Box Office is open weekdays 10–17 and 12-20 on showdays
Brynhildur Guðjónsdóttir
Artistic DirectorKristín Ögmundsdóttir
CEOGuðný Steinsdóttir
Marketing DirectorElmar Þórarinsson
MarketingHlynur Páll Pálsson
Communications ManagerKatrín Gústavsdóttir
Financial ManagerKári Gíslason
Project ManagerMagnús Þór Þorbergsson
DramaturgeMaríanna Clara Lúthersdóttir
DramaturgeErna Sif Þorkelsdóttir
Box Office ManagerEmelía Antonsdóttir Crivello
Youth Program CoordinatorPerformances have been staged in various other locations in the building, such as the theatre´s foyer and green room. The company has also offered staged tours of the entire complex.
Listabraut 3
103 Reykjavík
Kt. 420269-6849
Miðasala: 568 8000
Skrifstofa: 568 5500
Takk fyrir stuðninginn
Borgarleikhúsið er rekið með sérstökum rekstrarsamningi við Reykjavíkurborg sem gerir okkur kleift að halda áfram að bjóða landsmönnum upp á kraftmikið og skapandi leikhús.